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How do I access Gooroomee with my device?

1. Recommended specifications

For stable performance and smooth service, it is recommended to use Gooroomee in an environment that exceeds the recommended specifications.

PC specifications

Recommended spec
Minimum spec
Over Intel Core i5 3rd Gen
Over Intel Dual Core 2.5 GHz
Over 8GB
Over 4GB
10GB of free space
5GB of free space
Network Speed
80MBps (both upload/download)
30MBps (both upload/download)
Windows 11, Mac 12
Windows 8, Mac 10.15

Mobile specifications

Recommended spec
Minimum spec
Over iOS 15.0 version
Over iOS 14.3 version
Over Android 10.0 version (RAM 5GB)
Over Android 8 version (RAM 2GB)

2. How to access by device

1) Web Browser (Chrome, Safari) : PC, Mobile, Tablet PC

Please access the Gooroomee site using Chrome or Safari web browser : https://gooroomee.com/intro
Other than Chrome or Safari, it might be difficult to use.
Chrome browser download link https://www.google.com/intl/en/chrome/
iOS (Mobile, Tablet PC) recommends Safari.

2) Gooroomee App : Mobile, Tablet PC

Horizontal screen is recommended for mobile use.

3. Sign In & Sign Up

Please click ‘Sign In’ button at the top right.
If you haven't signed up as a member yet, please click 'Start with your SNS account' or 'Sign up now' button.