
I want to change the study settings

1. Setup

You can change various settings related to the study room, but you cannot change the Disclosure status.
Study Grade : You can change it to Premium or Free, but changing to Premium Study requires purchasing a Premium Pass.
Study Name : You can freely change the Study Name, but the Study URL cannot be changed.
Thumbnail : You can't use images that provoke disgust or offend public morals.
Video Layout : You can change it to the layout of your choice. In the Basic Plan(Free Study Grade), only the Auto layout is available.
Join code : You can set a join code that members must enter when entering a study room.
Guest Join : You can change it to allow entry without requiring membership registration.
Streaming : By entering a streaming key, you can broadcast live on YouTube.
Item : You can apply the "Gooroomee official Pass Badge.

2. Study Manage

1) Member

You can check the following information for members who have entered or been invited: Last attendance time, Last study time, Total study time in this study, and Points.
In Study Manage, you can invite, kick, ban members, and change member’s roles.

2) Ban Member

You can check the blocked members and reasons and unblock them.

3) Setting

You can also edit Hashtags, study period(Period), Points usage, device access settings upon entry, and study etiquette.