1. Role type
When you create a study room, you become the 'Host' and can assign roles to members.
You can view and assign roles in the User List.
Assign Roles | Host, Manager, Member | Manager, Member | X |
Allow Device Activation Permission | O | O | X |
Set a Layout | O | O | X |
Delete Study Room | Room’s creator Host only | X | X |
If you're an assigned Host and not the room's creator Host, you can't delete the study room.
2. How to assign roles
You can assign roles by clicking the Three dots button in the User List.
3. Device access permissions
You can grant camera and microphone access permissions in the User list.
If a member's camera and microphone icons are grayed out, it means their device access is disabled. In this case, the member cannot see the camera and microphone icons at the top of the screen, and the device is unavailable.
Hosts and Managers can enable the camera and microphone by clicking on a member's grayed-out icons. When the icons turn black or red, the member's camera and microphone icons at the top of the screen become active.
Camera and microphone icon in the User list
Camera and microphone icon at the top of the screen